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Tokens by theme

Core color tokens

  • Default page background;
  • UI Shell base color
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • High contrast backgrounds;
  • High contrast elements
  • Gray 80
  • #393939
  • Feature background color
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • 3:1 AA contrast;
  • Selected elements;
  • Active elements;
  • Accent icons
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Primary button color
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Secondary button color
  • Gray 80
  • #393939
  • Tertiary button color;
  • 4.5:1 AA text contrast
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Primary danger button color;
  • 3:1 AA non-text contrast
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Tertiary danger button color;
  • Ghost danger button color;
  • 4.5:1 AA text contrast
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Fluid button separator;
  • 3:1 AA non-text contrast
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Container color on $background;
  • Secondary page background
  • Gray 10
  • #f4f4f4
  • Container color on $layer-01
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Container color on $layer-02
  • Gray 10
  • #f4f4f4
  • High contrast elements;
  • 4.5:1 AA element contrast
  • Gray 100
  • #161616
  • Tertiary background paired with $layer-01
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Tertiary background paired with $layer-02
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Tertiary background paired with $layer-03
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Off background;
  • 3:1 AA contrast
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d
  • 3:1 AA contrast;
  • Selected borders;
  • Active borders
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Subtle borders paired with $background
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Subtle borders paired with $layer-01
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Subtle borders paired with $layer-02
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Subtle borders paired with $layer-03
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Medium contrast border;
  • Border-bottom paired with $field-01;
  • 3:1 AA non-text contrast
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d
  • Medium contrast border;
  • Border-bottom paired with $field-02;
  • 3:1 AA non-text contrast
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d
  • Medium contrast border;
  • Border-bottom paired with $field-03;
  • 3:1 AA non-text contrast
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d
  • High contrast border;
  • 4.5:1 AA non-text contrast
  • Gray 100
  • #161616
  • Primary text;
  • Body copy;
  • Headers;
  • Hover text color for $text-secondary
  • Gray 100
  • #161616
  • Secondary text;
  • Input labels
  • Gray 70
  • #525252
  • Placeholder text
  • Gray 40
  • #a8a8a8
  • Text on interactive colors;
  • Text on button colors
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Tertiary text;
  • Help text
  • Gray 60
  • #6f6f6f
  • Error message text
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Inverse text color
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Primary links
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Secondary link color for lower contrast backgrounds
  • Blue 70
  • #0043ce
  • Links on $background-inverse backgrounds
  • Blue 40
  • #78a9ff
  • Primary icons
  • Gray 100
  • #161616
  • Secondary icons
  • Gray 70
  • #525252
  • Icons on interactive colors;
  • Icons on non-layer colors
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Inverse icon color
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Default input fields;
  • Fields on $background
  • Gray 10
  • #f4f4f4
  • Secondary input fields;
  • Fields on $layer-01
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Tertiary input fields;
  • Fields on $layer-02
  • Gray 10
  • #f4f4f4
  • Error;
  • Invalid state
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Success;
  • On
  • Green 60
  • #198038
  • Warning;
  • Caution
  • Yellow
  • #f1c21b
  • Information
  • Blue 70
  • #0043ce
  • Error in high contrast moments
  • Red 50
  • #fa4d56
  • Success in high contrast moments
  • Green 40
  • #42be65
  • Warning in high contrast moments
  • Yellow
  • #f1c21b
  • Information in high contrast moments
  • Blue 50
  • #4589ff
  • Background overlay
  • Gray 100
  • #161616 @ 50%

Interactive color tokens

  • Focus border;
  • Focus underline
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Contrast border paired with $focus
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Focus on high contrast moments
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Hover color for $button-primary
  • Blue 60 hover
  • #0353e9
  • Hover color for $button-secondary
  • Gray 80 hover
  • #4c4c4c
  • Hover color for $button-tertiary
  • Blue 60 hover
  • #0353e9
  • Hover color for $danger-primary;
  • Hover color for $danger-secondary
  • Red 60 hover
  • #ba1b23
  • Active color for $button-primary
  • Blue 80
  • #002d9c
  • Active color for $button-secondary
  • Gray 60
  • #6f6f6f
  • Active color for $button-tertiary
  • Blue 80
  • #002d9c
  • Active color for $danger-primary;
  • Active color for $danger-secondary
  • Red 80
  • #750e13
  • Disabled color for button elements
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Hover color for $background;
  • Hover color for transparent backgrounds
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Hover color for $background-selected
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Hover color for $background-inverse
  • Gray 80 hover
  • #4c4c4c
  • Active color for $background
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Selected color for $background
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Hover color for $layer-01
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Hover color for $layer-02
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Hover color for $layer-03
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Hover color for $layer-accent-01
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Hover color for $layer-accent-02
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Hover color for $layer-accent-03
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Hover color for $layer-selected-01
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Hover color for $layer-selected-02
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Hover color for $layer-selected-03
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Active color for $layer-01
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Active color for $layer-02
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Active color for $layer-03
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Selected color for $layer-01
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Selected color for $layer-02
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Selected color for $layer-03
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Active color for $layer-accent-01
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Active color for $layer-accent-02
  • Gray 40
  • #a8a8a8
  • Active color for $layer-accent-03
  • Gray 40
  • #a8a8a8
  • Disabled color for selected layers
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d
  • Hover color for $field-01
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Hover color for $field-02
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Hover color for $field-03
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Highlight color
  • Blue 20
  • #d0e2ff
  • Skeleton color for containers
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Skeleton color for text and UI elements
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Hover color for $link-primary
  • Blue 70
  • #0043ce
  • Color for visited links
  • Purple 60
  • #8a3ffc
  • Selected color for $border-subtle-01
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Selected color for $border-subtle-02
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Selected color for $border-subtle-03
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Disabled border color (excluding border-subtles)
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Disabled text color
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Disabled icon color
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Disabled color for $icon-on-color
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d
  • Disabled color for $text-on-color
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d